Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Let's just start off with me saying that I didn't really grow up in a candle house. My dad hates anything with a scent and the only time I saw my mom with a candle would be random occasions that were few and far between. So having just moved into a new apartment, I wanted a home smell. Something that if you smelled it anywhere's else, it would remind you of home. 

Well to start off, I hate all those tradtional smells of vanilla, lavender, etc. They are overused and mass produced and it just about makes me vomit. I absolutely love smells asscoiated to the holidays like fir tree, pumpkin, but that's just it; they are meant to remind one of the holidays. 

So a couple months back I was in my little sister's car and smelled something deliteful. Her "big" in her sorority had given her a car freshener and it was amazing. I was very shocked to find that it came from Bath & Body Works and it was called Sandalwood. Now, people, I very rarely venture into Bath & Body Works because each worker tries to convince you that what you are smelling in your hand, at that very moment. is very necessary to have in your house. So having already an idea in mind of what I wanted for the new place, I headed over to the nearest Bath & Body Works. 

Turns out Sandalwood is seasonal and was only available in the car freshener. However, a sales associate did show me one other called Mahogany Teakwood. 

This candle is one part nostalgia, since it reminds me of Abercrombie & Fitch, other part cabin in the woods. 

According to Bath & Body Works you can "revel in the cozy fine woods fragrances of mahogany, cedarwood, and oak, highlighted by delicate lavender and geranium notes."

This candle alone makes my tiny apartment, with boxes still everywhere, smell like home and I plan to buy this in bulk.

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